
AI Transforming Angiography

AngioWaveNet™ is a post-processing AI compatible with any fluoroscopic angiography system in a cardiac catheterization laboratory.

For patients with coronary artery disease making a correct diagnosis can be very challenging for cardiologists. AngioWaveNet™ processed angiograms can facilitate visualization of the vasculature for all of fluoroscopic angiography.

Without AngioWaveNet™

Cine Angiogram

With AngioWaveNet™

Cine Angiogram with AngioWaveNet™ AI
AngioWaveNet™ is for investigational use only and has not yet been reviewed by FDA. AngioWaveNet is not yet available for sale in the USA.

Data Flow Diagram

AngioWaveNet™ Processing

Ease of use

AngioWaveNet™ has a very light footprint in the hospital environment. An applet on a Windows PC acts as a DICOM endpoint for the angiographic imaging system from any vendor. The AngioWaveNet Desktop Applet™ receives the DICOM cine, removes all identifying patient health information and routes the images to the AngioWaveNet Cloud™ platform for processing.

Once the AngioWaveNet Cloud™ has created a new, processed DICOM cine, the results are routed back to the AngioWaveNet Desktop Applet™ which re-unites the new cine with the patients PHI and routes the new cine to the display in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.


Clinics and Hospitals

  • Cloud – based or on premise / servers
  • Our system needs to be a “DICOM endpoint” for the cardiac catheterization laboratory imaging system. DICOM = Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
  • Results can be sent to a RIS/PACs for display in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.
  • Vendor “agnostic” Philips, Siemens, GE, Canon, or any cardiac cath lab imaging system.

AngioWave Benefits All Stakeholders


